Diana of Themyscira, also known as Wonder Woman, is a fictional superhero character from the comic book series published by DC Comics. The character was created by psychologist William Moulton Marston, known for his work on improving the accuracy of the polygraph test, and illustrator Harry G. Peter. She first appeared in All-Star Comics vol. 1 #8 in December 1941, which was published by All-American Publications, one of the three companies that later merged to form DC Comics. The character went on to appear mainly in the magazines Sensation Comics and Wonder Woman.
Marston drew inspiration from Greek mythology, as well as his own research in psychology. After years of unsuccessful work on a lie detector based on measuring blood pressure, the psychologist used his knowledge of the human mind to create her character. His research convinced him that women were not only capable of matching men, but also that they were more honest and reliable, making them more effective workers. It is also believed that his two wives, Elizabeth Holloway Marston, whom Marston regarded as a model of an unconventional, liberated woman, and Olive Byrne, one of his students who lived with him in a relationship she described as polygamy/polyamory, were an inspiration for the character.
Wonder Woman was intended to be the female counterpart to Superman. Originally, the character was to be called Suprema, the Wonder Woman, but editor Sheldon Mayer shortened the name to Wonder Woman. Contrary to popular belief, Wonder Woman was not the first female superhero in comics, as several other female characters preceded her, including the Canadian character Nelvana of the Northern Lights (who appeared four months before Marston’s character).
Diana is a member of the Amazons, a tribe of women living on the fictional island of Themyscira. In her secret “civilian” identity, she functions as Diana Prince, the daughter of Queen Hippolyta and an Amazon ambassador to the world of men. Wonder Woman is often depicted as an unwavering warrior fighting against evil, as well as an advocate for women’s rights, which has made her a feminist icon in comics. Marston presented his character with proto-feminist qualities and addressed themes such as independence, self-worth, and sisterhood. Along with Batman and Superman, Wonder Woman is one of the most recognizable superheroes in DC Comics and forms the informal Trinity, the core of the Justice League.
Wonder Woman has also appeared in various animated films, TV shows, and video games set in the DC Comics universe. She first appeared on-screen in a 1974 TV movie played by Cathy Lee Crosby, and her most famous live-action portrayal came from the Wonder Woman TV series that aired from 1976-1979, in which Lynda Carter played the title role. She made her first big-screen appearance in the sequel to Man of Steel titled Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, played by Israeli actress Gal Gadot.